Kiri and
We travelled 12 miles in Liechtenstein over 2 days between 06 November 2013 and 07 November 2013. It was mainly sunny (1 day) whilst we were there
Bertha takes up drinking and smoking (November 11, 2013)
The following information was last updated on July 21, 2014 and therefore may now be out of date. Please consume with a pinch of salt!
Beautiful little country; only spent one night here, but drove about half the length of the country, travelling between Switzerland and Austria. More urban than we had imagined it to be (but then we didn't really go off the beaten track)
Swiss franc
1 - eins
2 - zwei
3 - drei
4 - vier
5 - fünf
6 - sechs
7 - sieben
8 - acht
9 - neun
10 - zehn
Hello - Guten Tag
Goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen
Yes - Ja
No - Nein
Please - Bitte
Thank you - Danke
Sorry - Es tut mir leid
I don't understand - Ich verstehe nicht
How much does it cost? - Wieviel kostet das?
Where is the toilet? -Wo ist die Toilette?
Not known
See Switzerland (probably)
Not known